About RCHS » Schoolwide Learner Outcomes (SLOs)

Schoolwide Learner Outcomes (SLOs)

Our graduates will be Effective Communicators who:
  • Read, write, speak, and listen intentionally, insightfully, clearly, respectfully
  • Acquire, interpret, critically analyze, evaluate, and respond to information from valid sources
Our graduates will be Critical Thinkers who
  • Critically consume, identify, locate, and analyze resources to solve problems individually and collectively
  • Evaluate options to develop solutions in academic and workplace settings
  • Self-direct their creative thinking in an optimistic manner
  • Challenge themselves to take academically rigorous courses
Our graduates will be Independent Learners who
  • Set goals today and take action now on these goals for the future
  • Demonstrate aptitude and proficiency across academic disciplines
  • Master skills applicable to academics, college, careers, and life 
  • Balance the use of technology and resources
  • Exhibit self-advocacy, self-motivation, time management skills, resiliency, and accountability,
Our graduates will be Responsible Citizens who
  • Leaders and contribute as productive citizens to the community
  • Regulate their emotions, thoughts and behaviors through various situations
  • Show integrity by accepting responsibility for their behavior, practice good citizenship, show respect for people and property, and work in ways to improve their local and global communities
  • Practice cultural sensitivity, respect, and embrace diversity and are socially aware
Our graduates will be Social/Emotionally Well through
  • Fostering intellectual and social-emotional well-being
  • Developing a strong sense of self and self-management
  • Nurturing empathy and social awareness
  • Cultivating healthy positive relationships
  • Having a sense of joy in their life pursuits