College Center » College Applications

College Applications


Your senior year is an exciting time. There are a lot of deadlines to adhere to, and you may feel overwhelmed with all you have to do. I WANT YOU TO KNOW YOU CAN DO IT. It just takes some planning and organization. Remember your teachers, counselors, and I are here to help guide and support you!


Seniors whether you are planning on attending a community college, a CSU, UC, or a private university YOU MUST CREATE YOU "COLLEGES I'M APPLYING TO LIST IN NAVIANCE!
This is how RCHS can send your neccessary documents for your application.  So if you don't complete this step you application will not be completed!!!
Please go to the "Resource folder" on the "Class of 2022" schoology group to access how- to handouts & videos!

University of California – UC

You need to begin your application soon! Do not wait for November 30th to begin writing your essay. Admissions officers can easily tell when an essay was written the night before. So start now!

California State University- CSU

  • The CSU system's application opens on October 1st and the deadline is November 30th. NO EXCEPTIONS!
  • The filing period is November 1 - November 30th (this means when you can submit your application).
  • There is one application for all 23 CSU campuses.
  • The CSU application does NOT have personal insight questions, personal essay.
  • The CSU application does NOT accept letters of recommendations 
  • You should complete and submit your application before Thanksgiving to avoid overcrowded website and crashes close to the November 30th deadline.
To apply to any of the 23 CSU campuses.......go to

Once you have finished your application make sure you check it carefully and COME TO MY VIRTUAL OFFICE HOURS SO I OR OUR CSUN REPRESENTATIVE CAN CHECK IT before you submit your application.

The College Office offers workshops throughout the application season to help you complete your applications. 

Private Colleges and Universities

Common Application
Most private colleges and universities use the Common Application. Go to to apply. If the college you are interested in is not on the Common App, go to that college's website and apply on the website.
Common Application writing prompts for 2021-2022: 

Private colleges and universities have different application periods and requirements. Students must research the websites of each college or university you are interested in for specific instructions and deadlines. It is your responsibility to inform me of the necessary documents the university/college needs!

Private Colleges and Universities DEADLINES

Students applying to private institutions that require letters of recommendation and/or secondary school reports (SSR) must open and complete a recommendation/SSR folder in the College Office by September 30th.

Questbridge scholarship match:
  • Applicants must have a complete private college application folder in the College Office by September 1st.
Early action/early decision applicants:
  • Must have a complete private college application folder in the College Office by October 1st.
All other private applications:
  • Must have a complete private college application folder in the College Office by September 30th.

What makes up a private college/university application folder?

The folder includes:
  • A brag sheet
  • Three Teacher Comment Forms to be completed by 3 different teachers who are NOT writing letters of recommendation for you.
  • A list of colleges you are applying to.
The private college/university application folder documents and detailed instructions on how to complete it are available on this website under "Brag Sheet".

Where do I start to complete a private college/university application folder?

  • Go to the “Bragsheet” page and download the bragsheet & teacher comment form to your desktop.
  • Save the Bragsheet document onto your desktop or a flashdrive. Then you can complete it on a computer.
  • Email the teacher comment forms so they can fill the form out & email to me.
Helpful Hints:
  • Read through bragsheet before you fill it out. Be thoughtful when you do fill it out.
  • Complete your bragsheet on word, it's much easier to read and if it gets misplaced you can just print it out again!
  • Make sure to provide as much information as possible! This will help your recommenders write a strong letter on your behalf.

Recommendation letters

If the college requires one or two recommendation letters, you must request a letter from your teachers as early as possible. PREFERABLY DURING SPRING OF YOUR JUNIOR YEAR! You must give your teachers at least two weeks for them to complete the letter and necessary forms.

If these deadlines are not met, Ms. Marquez or other counselors AND teachers will not be able to write for you. So do not wait!

Community College

Students who choose to go to Community College and then transfer to a UC or a CSU have priority over any other transfer student. Community colleges offer specific courses that four year colleges and universities have agreed to accept when students transfer. The cost of attending community college is significantly less, $46 per unit. The lower costs do not result in lower quality education!!! In fact there are many aspects in which a Community College education is advantageous. For example, a community college general education class will have between 25 to 40 students enrolled, whereas equivalent course at a CSU may have as many as 100 students, and at a UC there may be as many as several hundred students enrolled.

Students who do not meet the required GPA and or A-G course requirements can begin at the community college, complete a transfer curriculum, and then apply to transfer to a university or a four-year college.

Students who do not wish to attend a university or a four year college are encouraged to continue their professional education at the community college in a vocational or occupational area of their choice. Community colleges offer hundreds of associate degrees or certificate programs that prepare students for a hundreds of occupations.
Examples of programs available at community colleges:
  • cosmetology
  • computer graphics
  • child development
  • culinary arts
  • food service
  • office management
  • paralegal
  • nursing
  • dental hygiene
  • medical office assistant
  • biomedical equipment technician
  • respiratory therapist
  • electronics and computer technology
  • veterinary technician
  • radiology
  • administration of justice
  • EMT
  • drafting
  • auto mechanics
  • machining
  • construction
  • accounting
  • finance
  • management
  • fire technology, and many more.
The following link provides the 9 Los Angeles Community Colleges:
Other Community College websites:


  • The College Office offers workshops throughout the application season to help you complete applications online. 
  • Your senior year is an exciting time. There are a lot of deadlines to adhere to, and you may feel overwhelmed with all you have to do. I WANT YOU TO KNOW YOU CAN DO IT. It just takes some planning and organization. Remember your teachers, counselors, and I are here to help guide and support you!