Students » Important Question Words

Important Question Words

Accelerating Achievement by Knowing the Meaning of Important Question Words
These are terms often seen during tests, quizzes and other assignments. They are found in the questions. Studying the meaning of each of these words can help you answer questions correctly because you will understand what you are being asked to do. Knowing the meaning of each of these words will help you do better on important tests like the SAT, High School Exit Exam, Final Exams and even tests in your classes now. Learn these words.
  • analyze - to break down into parts and explain relationships.
  • characterize - "represent, show the qualities of."
  • classify - arrange in groups by a common characteristic
  • combine - join or unite
  • compare and contrast - explain the similarities and differences.
  • correspond to - match
  • data - information or facts
  • define - give the exact meaning of
  • describe - give key information about
  • determine - decide
  • draw a conclusion - make a judgment based on certain ideas or facts
  • emphasize - stress or focus on
  • evaluate - judge the value of
  • example - give illustrations or representations
  • except - "all but, everything other than."
  • excerpt - "a selection, portion of a text"
  • explain - make clear
  • former - "previous, earlier"
  • foundation - "base, support for a conclusion"
  • generalization - general statement based on many examples
  • graph - visual representation of facts or figures
  • identify - pick out, locate or find
  • impact - effect or influence or importance
  • indicate - show or point out
  • inference - "a conclusion based on a deduction, an informed guess. "
  • passage - a part of a text or written work
  • point - "main idea, location or position"
  • primary - main or most important
  • probably - most likely
  • provide - offer or supply
  • refer - to use as a source of information
  • result - findings or result
  • select - chose from many things
  • sequence - order or arrangement
  • significant - important or meaningful
  • similar - nearly alike
  • topic - subject
  • theme- the subject that is the main idea of a book or writing
  • valid - logical or truthful or correct