Local School Leadership Council » Local School Leadership Council Home

Local School Leadership Council Home

Reseda Charter High School's Local School Leadership Council (LSLC) serves as the school’s primary decision-making body. The council is comprised of the UTLA chapter chair and other teachers elected by certificated bargaining unit employees at the school, the principal, parent and/or community members, other staff members, and student representatives who meet monthly during the school year. Decisions are by consensus or, if consensus cannot be reached, by majority vote.
The council is responsible for making decisions in the following areas:
  • personnel
  • student discipline
  • schedule of activities
  • use of school equipment
  • budgets
  • curriculum, instruction, assessment, and intervention
  • professional development
  • campus facilities
  • staffing procedures.
The LSLC conducts this business to advance the school’s educational program and support the LCAP goals. Additionally, the School Site Council and the LSLC advise on the LCAP budgetary process. The LSLC also reviews and approves the LCAP document each year based upon feedback from the various stakeholder groups.